Come share your knowledge, expertise, and passion with other womyn at the festival by leading a workshop at the Michigan Framily Reunion. We invite you to fill out the application below and submit your workshop proposal.
Please read this agreement in its entirety. Especially the Release of Liability. *Submitting a proper application with your electronic signature is a legally binding agreement.
1. Due Dates & Attendance
If your workshop application is received by June 1, 2023 and your application is accepted, your workshop will be pre-scheduled and included in the MFR Festival Program. If you want to do a workshop and it is after June 1, 2023, please, still submit a proposal, it just might not make it into the program. We will print out additional workshops on a flyer to be handed out at Welcome Center.
Once we receive your workshop registration we assume that you will be purchasing a ticket and attending the event. If you are unable to attend, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can cancel your workshop.
2. Rain or Shine Policy
Workshops will be held as scheduled, rain or shine. We're in the woods, sisters!
3. Selling Items
Occasionally workshop presenters will have books, records, crafts, or other items that they have created and want to make available to the womyn of the Festival. Please note that it is permitted to sell your goods for 15 minutes after your workshop. You cannot set up a table/vending space in the workshop area or Calabash. Please contact us with any questions.
4. Electricity
No electricity is available in workshop areas.
5. clean up
Workshop presenters are responsible for cleaning her area and disposing of any trash at the end of her presentation. Pack in, pack out, sisters.
6. animals
Please be advised that no animals are allowed on the property and only recognized service animals will be permitted access.
7. Cancellation Policy
If you need to cancel your workshop - even at the last minute - let us know. Please do not take this lightly! It is imperative that you take the responsibility to tell the staff that you will be canceling. Womyn make a significant effort to get to the workshop areas on time and the information you are sharing may mean a great deal to them. If you cancel without due notice or don't show up, it will not only disappoint the womyn, it will also affect our ability to schedule your future workshops.
8. Photograph Release
Please indicate if you choose to opt out of photographs, as we believe in anonymity as needed.
9. Release of Liability/ Hold Harmless
In return for Presenting at the Michigan Framily Reunion, I understand and agree to the following: I release and hold harmless the L2L Promotions, Michigan Framily Reunion, MFR, and their agents for any damage, loss of property or injury arising from participation in this festival as a presenter. It is solely my responsibility to take whatever steps are prudent and necessary to protect against all forms of harms, damage or theft. Each Presenter is responsible for cleaning her area and disposing of trash at the end of each presentation. Pack in, pack out, sisters. The Michigan Framily Reunion reserves the right to refuse or revoke the privilege to display and/or present anything which MFR deems to be oppressive to womyn and/or Lesbians.
MFR reserves the right to decline any workshop application the committee suspects of being harassing in nature.
Should the committee have questions about the content and intention of your workshop, a virtual meeting will be scheduled.
I give the L2L Promotions Michigan Framily Reunion (MFR), and their agents the absolute right and permission to use photographs of me, my assistants, my exhibit area, property in my exhibit, in promotional materials and publicity efforts for the Festival. I understand that the photographs may be used in a publication, print ad, direct-mail piece, electronic media (e.g., video, cd-rom, Internet/WWW), or other form of promotion. I release the L2L Promotions Michigan Framily Reunion (MFR) their photographer, and their agents, and designees from liability for any violation of any personal or proprietary right I may have in connection with such use.* *Please indicate if you choose to opt in or out of photographs, as we believe in anonymity as needed. Typing in names signifies that this is legally binding agreement. Please use full name.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Workshop Coordinator, Journee,